Thanks to everyone who showed interest in the section of question of the month and answered the question. In this month’s question, determine the diagnosis by looking OCT,IR and FAF images in a 78-year-old female patient was asked.
The answer to the question is ‘Dry Age Related Macular Degeneration-Regression of Drusenoid Pigment Epithelium Detachment’. The result of the lottery among those who answered the question correctly, the winner of this month’s book prize is Debore Maroes Luna, MD. Congratulations to her.

Debore Moraes Luna, MD
Obras Sociais Irma Dulce, Salvador-Brazil
Dr. Debora Moraes Luna is graduated from BAHIANA-School of Medicine and Public Health in 2005. She completed her residency in Ophthalmology in 2011. She is ophtalmology specialist at Obras Sociais Irma Dulce.