Thanks to everyone who showed interest in the section of question of the month and answered question. In this month’s question, identification of the finding on the OCT image in the patient with retinal artery macroaneurysm rupture was asked.
The answer of the question is ‘SubILM Hemorrhage‘. The results of the lottery among those who answered the question correctly, the winner of this month’s book prize is Nataliia Peleshok, MD. Congratulations to her.
Acquired retinal artery macroaneurysms are round or fusiform dilatations that occur within the first three branches of the retinal artery.
Goldhagen BE, Goldhardt R. Retinal Artery Macroaneurysms: Updating your Memory on RAM Management. Curr Ophthalmol Rep. 2019;7(2):73-79

The Filatov Institute of Eye Disease and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
Dr. Nataliia Peleshok is graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University in 2020. She studies her internship in Ophthalmology in The Filatov Institute of Eye Disease and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.